'Round West Oakland

Stuff is Happening

Headed for a hard landing on a Softail.
Headed for a hard landing on a Softail.
Photo: Angelica Rubalcaba.

If you’ve been to our website any time in the last… well, too long, you probably thought to yourself, “Man, I know these CityBike clowns are print die-hards, but this website is uglier than those Buells they have a thing for.”

I gotta tell you… making a mag every month is serious business, and between doing that and paying the bills with our “real jobs,” the need to fix our website kept getting pushed to the back burner.

And then off the back of the stove, down behind it where all the funky shit from the last 20 years sits, moldering and stinking.

Anyway, we’re right in the middle of updating our horrendously dilapidated old site. We’re really happy with it so far, but trust me, there’s lots more good stuff coming, for reals. Stay tuned.

But before any of you freak out, yes, we’re going to keep making the print issue, as long as we can. Find out where to grab a copy here, or subscribe here.